Thursday, September 11, 2014

September 11, 2014- 9/11

9/11 will forever be engrained in our lives as the day that changed  forever.  Perhaps it is a reminder of how we view ourselves, our own eternal struggles with mortality, and our own vision of  how we see the world.  In any case,  many view this day as one that is extremely difficult.   Like most of us, we always remember where we were and what we were doing.   For me,  I will always have a special remembrance for 9/11.  I have always had a special place for New York.

During the week of 9/11,  I had spoken to a friend of mine who actually had a cousin in the South Tower.   Although he was one of the fortunate ones who was below the impact zone and had made it outside, it was not without incident.   Despite the fact that he had been injured and covered in dust, he begged to help out the emergency service that was stationed near Greenwich.  My friend not only described the bravery of his cousin but how he endured the chaos that was ensuing around him.   Through what was described to me as  " the worse things any human being could ever see" , he remained focused and became one of the many of New Yorkers who truly magnified the human spirit.

We have to give kudos to the human spirit.  It amazed me how people were able to pull together singing  "Some folks like to get away..." and be able to persevere despite having to endure one of the most tragic events in our human history.   Ever so often, the subject of 9/11 will be brought up during a session or two reminding those that despite their adversities, the negative ones around them, and most of all the voice from within that may try to keep them down, 9/11 may be a reminder to us that we can always strive to persevere.

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